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Thursday, October 18, 2007


Wish you and your family a Happy Dusehra.
These are the glimpses of Dussehra celebration at Koraput . people are purchasing the earthen pots and other requirements like new rice from the market . Here is how Dussehra is celebrated at Jeypore.
Rituals of royals still a big hit . Thsi is published in The Hindu:
Villagers bring their deities from distant places
KORAPUT: There might not be any horses or elephants to lead the Dusherra procession, beating of huge drums and above all the King, but the festival fervour here reminds the glorious past of the erstwhile Jeypore kingdom. The practice of villagers coming to the town carrying their village deities has been attracting tourists in large numbers.
The countdown for ‘Patuara’, the night procession on Vijaya Dashami has begun as people are eagerly waiting to start the procession from the King’s palace, in which the village heads will carry the deities to bring them to Dusherra ground where demon Mahishasur will be killed.
The notes found in the the diary of an eminent palm leaf designer of Jeypore kingdom revealed the glorious past of Dussehra celebration here. The diary, which was written in 1956 was recovered in Jeypore recently. Describing the festival spirit in those days, he had written about the splendour of eight elephants and 20 horses leading the procession with people beating huge drums apart from nagara, toori and birakahali , specially brought for the occasion.
“It is a unique celebration and one of its kind in the State,” Paresh Rath , a Tribal Researcher from Jeypore said and added that it was a grand as the celebrations in Mysore. Dussehra in Jeypore is not just worshiping Durga. The festival is an occasion for people to reunite.
People from distant places, like Umerkote and Nandapur, used to visit ‘Jayapura’, the ancient name of Jeypore Earlier, itl was celebrated for 16 days. Village heads were invited and their procession was known as ‘lathi yatra’ King used to honour the village heads. It has a great effect on the people who remained united, Mr.Rath added

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