Coffee Growers’ Meet was organized at Koraput today to discuss the challenges and opportunities with the business of Coffee plantation in the region . Attending the workshop as the chief guest , B.V.Sarathi , Dy.General Manager of SBI , Berhampur Zone stressed the need to create a conducive atmosphere for the growth of business with the mutual support between the association and his bank .
U.N.Barma , on behalf of the Coffee Growers’ Association had wished a greater participation of nationalized banks like SBI in the state to maximize the benefit for the farmers and partners in the coffee trade .The workshop had given a greater exposure for the bank into coffee sector, K.C.Das , R.M.of Jeypore Regional branch of SBI said
U.N.Barma , on behalf of the Coffee Growers’ Association had wished a greater participation of nationalized banks like SBI in the state to maximize the benefit for the farmers and partners in the coffee trade .The workshop had given a greater exposure for the bank into coffee sector, K.C.Das , R.M.of Jeypore Regional branch of SBI said
Someone had to take the initiative. Thank you so much for such a nice effort and letting us aware of the news and events in and around Koraput. Keep up the good work and God bless you.