The Story :...................................................
More than 100 children took an oath today to lead atruthful life at Koraput . While participating in the childreporters' assembly in the COATS conference hall here these childrenfrom various schools in the town reviewed the water& Sanitationsituation in the town . While discussing on the problems ofavailability of safe drinking water and proper sanitation in theirimmediate neighbourhood , they also came up with wide range ofpractical solutions .The white paper that had been brought out by the participatingchildren highlighted the roles and responsibility of the societyand the government in keeping Koraput healthy. The children in theirdeclaration had urged the government and other civil societyorganizations to do the needful . They also had brought out aresolution for themselves and other children in the town on thescope and promise of children to participate in the process oftransformation . The children had promised to give their bit inkeeping their house , school and other places neat and clean . Theyalso resolved to use the resources like water judiciously .While discussing on the principles of Mahatma Gandhi on maximizingpersonal effort for the transformation , the children took an oath tolive with Truth , no matter how difficult it was .Ideals of Gandhijiwould inspire them to keep their promise , the children spoke intheir deliberation .The children further felicitated Aslam Baig , a student from KendriyaVidyalaya and his teacher Vijaylaxmi for winning the first prize inthe National Level Science Exhibition recently at Kaharagpur bypresenting a model on the practical application of Mathematics .Aslam also interacted with the children on how to make learning ofmathematics more interesting .While the programme was organized by PGCD in collaboration of SSA andUNICEF , adults from government and the civil society listened to thechildren . Such discussions on the situation of Water and Sanitationwould be carried out in 126 Panchayats selected from the 14 blocksin the district and the white papers based on the vision of childrenon the importance of the issue would be brought out , Sarat Patnaik,the Secretary of PGCD said
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