To do something for the Lord is to give Him something of what one has, or of what one does, or of what one is. That is to say, to offer to Him one part of our goods or all of our possessions, to consecrate to Him one part of our work or all our activities, or to give ourselves to Him totally and without reserve so that He may take possession of our nature in order to transform and divinise it....The Mother
-17 August 1960
The prayers are mostly written in an identification with the earth-consciousness. It is the Mother in the lower nature addressing the Mother in the higher nature, the Mother herself carrying on the Sadhana of the earth-consciousness for the transformation praying to herself above from whom the forces of transformation come. This continues till the identification of the earth-consciousness and the higher consciousness is effected..... It is the Divine who is always referred to as Divine Mai^tre and Seigneur. There is the Mother who is carrying on the sadhana and the Divine Mother, both being one but in different poises, and both turn to the Seigneur or Divine Master.
Sri Aurobindo (On Prayers and Meditations)
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
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Welcome to The Divine Land
Koraput is Divine's Favourite. Get a touch of it .
Blog Archive
- With Children Always
- PGCD Meet At Koraput.
- Calling From Deomali
- Be in the School in Ganjeipadar.
- News Headlines-6.30 Pm
- Thought For The Day-30.06.08
- Kotia-The Boarder Village
- Insects and Spiders from Deomali
- Thought For The Day-28th June-2008
- Article from The Hindu: 28th June-2008
- Article from The Hindu: 28th June-2008
- Photos of the Honoured Children
- Farmers Speak Out.
- Mother's Message-26th June-2008
- Snakes-Beautiful Snakes
- Caves near Balda
- Deomali is Calling You!
- Beauty of Koraput
- Thought For The Day-26th June-2008
- Heros of The Year
- Sharing Our readings with everyone
- From Mags&Books-GEO
- Ash Flying in Koraput
- Micro Planing Traning, Borigumma
- Be A Messenger of Peace.
- Children Sharing Experience at Delhi
- Article from The Hindu: Sent to you by koraputonline
- Article from The Hindu: Sent to you by koraputonline
- Article from The Hindu: Sent to you by koraputonline
- Article from The Hindu: 16th June
- Thought For The Day-15th June-2008
- Article from The Hindu: 15th June-2008
- Article from The Hindu: 15th June-2008
- Article from The Hindu: 15th June-2008
- Meeting Of District Sub-Committee on Education
- Reasons to feel relaxed
- Thought For The Day-13th June-2008
- Send me an SMS FREE
- Beautiful things of life-Just for You
- Thought For The Day-12th June-2008
- Thought for The Day-10th June-2008
- Have a Good Day with Flowers
- Child Reporters From Koraput Meet
- Orissa Sahitya Academy Celebration
- Thought For The Day-9th June-2008
- Media Koraput-9th June-2008
- Thought For The Day-08-06-08
- OPEPA Employees' Union Strike
- People learning to live with difficulties
- Beaches of Koraput.
- Thought For The Day-7th June-2008
- From Mags&books-Journalists,Not Censorsin Covert
- Thought For The Day-6th June-2008
- Environmet Day Celebrated in JK Paper , Rayagada
- Summary of " Who Killed Urdu"-Article by Khuswant ...
- Thought For The Day-5th June-2008
- Books&Mags-Frontline-June20,2008
- Have some Liquor and forget the world.
- Rally By VHP at Koraput.
- Rally By Samrudha Odisha at Koraput.
- Zilla Parishad Meeting at Koraput.
- Koraput children in Matrubhavan
- Rain ..Rain Come Again
- Audio file on Savitri
- Child Reporters -Meeting- Dhenkanal
- Message fo The Day-3rdJune-2008
About Me
- koraputonline
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput