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Source: The Hindu (http://www.hinduonnet.com/2008/06/16/stories/2008061657080300.htm)
Other States
BJD workers take out rally
KORAPUT: Thousands of BJD workers from Koraput district took out a rally under the leadership of Jagdish Panigrahy, member, Koraput Zilla Parishad at Onakadelli to press their 15 point demands before the officials of Machkund hydro electric project today. The members, while staging a demonstration before the office of the SE, AP Gen.Co., demanded for extending medical facility to the common man of the region in the hospitals of the project at Onakadelli, Machkund and Jalaput which at present, were open only for the employees of the project.
While all the projects in the region had the provision of periphery development fund for the improvement of the region, Machkund, even being one of the oldest project had not thought for the same, Jagdish Panigrahy alleged.
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