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Source: The Hindu (http://www.hinduonnet.com/2008/06/15/stories/2008061551920200.htm)
Other States
Tailor creates record
KORAPUT: A.V.Giri , a tailor from Jeypore in Koraput district brought pride for the region by entering into the Guinness Book of World Record for having stitched the largest under pant in the world.
Mr. Giri who had entered into the Limca Book of Records twice had been working hard for the last few years to reach the Guinness Book. And with the support of the locals and various clubs he was able to stitch the largest underpants in the world by using 450 meter of cloth and 100 bundles of thread. It measured 58.3 ft(17.75 meters).in length and 38.1 ft.(11.82 meters) in width.
He had surpassed the earlier record of an Australian garment company
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