OFSDP 2ND PHASE MICRO PLANINGAPPRAISAL TRAININGBORIGUMMA: - In collaboration with forest range and Aryan NGO has organized OFSDP 2ND PHASE MOCROPLANNING of two days orientation at Borigumma range office. Asst.. conservator of forest Sri Rathikant Padhy as inaugurated the ceremony and emphasized on the need and purpose of the orientation. Field level expert Sri Deepak Mishra has attended the orientation and told the importance of MICROPLANNING in order to restore the degraded forest and importance of forest on livelihood. Sri Gouri Sankar Panda of Soil Conservation Department has explained about the soil and moisture conservation measures as well as on the water harvesting structure. Besides that FEO, Sri Vijay Oddu, team leader Sri Anil Patnaik DO, Gouri Sankar Sahu and Raj Sekhar Patnaik has attended and explain about the Micro Planning method and process. ARYAN Secretary put emphasis on the active participation of the community in OFSDP on be half of forest department Sri Harihar Jhadia, Sri Narshingh Padhy, Sri Bhaskar Panigrahi has attended the training programme. In this two days orientation from 8 VSS, total 40 participants have attended.
Secretary, Aryan Borigumma.
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