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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Here are Child Reporters from Koraput.

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Child Reporters' Congress
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Santakar says... Friends! The much awaited Child Reporters' Congress was held in Koraput today . Please click our friend's photos and go further down to see the write up . Thanks for your support.

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‘We are poor because we don’t want to come out of the tag of being poor. Begging in the name of poverty has become a regular practice ‘ argued Binod Kumar Nayak , a child reporter from Ekkamba UP school in Jeypore block of Koraput district . He was responding to a question from Biswajit Kuldeep , a fellow child reporter from Adamanda UP School in Dasmantpur block to find out the reason of poverty in the region and more particularly among the rural masses, while participating in the district level ‘Child reporters’ Congress’ organized in the premises of tribal Museum of Koraput today .

More than 80 child reporters from all the 14 blocks of the district and the ULB of Koraput had come together to discuss on various issues that was affecting them and their community . While talking about provisions of toilets in the school , Evan Kandapan from Borigumma UP School narrated the stories of schools where the school toilets were locked and banned for use by children . Prasant Kumar Das , DPC of DPEP/SSA , taking a note of it from the children had assured that the schools will be directed to keep the toilets open for the children .

While highlighting the need of consuming Iodised salt in the diet , Dr.Pitambar Sahu , a retired doctor from Koraput said that the schools should have iodised salt in their mid day meal, Kavita Hantal a child reporter alleged that schools , despite of strict guidelines were using non iodised salt and urged the authorities to ensure the use of iodised salt in schools so that the children could lead a healthy life . Further expressing concern over the poor sanitation in villages , Sankuli Biswal , Project Coordinator of DWSM had asked the children to see that individual household toilets become a reality in each of their villages so as to ensure a healthy living for the children .

Despite of several interventions and rules and regulations children were seen punished by many teachers in the schools , Amit Kumar Jena , a child reporter from Ramgiri said . While responding to his concern , Narasingh Das , CRCC of Koraput said that there were many ways to teach the children rather than punishing them for their mistakes and corporal punishment should be dealt with all its seriousness .

Responding to a question from a child on the poor quality of rice being supplied to the schools causing ill health , Biranchi Narayan Rath , Sub-Collector of Koraput said that while measures were taken to see that proper rice and food stuff was supplied to the schools , the possibilities of poor quality rice as mentioned by the child could not be ruled out . he also ad assured the children that the district administration would look into the matter .

Festive occasions like Annual Function and Annual Sports brought new reasons to attend schools , Raimati Kandili , a tribal child from Boipariguda said . While appreciating the conduct of such functions in some schools in the district , children from many other schools were denied to celebrate , Subhasree Mandangi , from Forest Colony UP School in Koraput said . While there was no particular provision of funding to the schools the school management could take the support of the community to organize such events , Ashok Kumar Pangi , President , Zilla Parishad , Koraput said . However he also had urged the district education authorities to find out the ways if the schools could be given financial support to organize by themselves .

While appreciating the growing confidence in the children after getting involved in child reporters process , Sunil Verma , Programme Communication Officer from UNICEF said that this process which was born in the hills of Koraput had spread its wings to the shores of Andhra Pradesh , Bihar , Maharastra and many other states in the country . He had assured to take the fruits of the process further for it had ensured more child participation in the school and community , and had also created more opportunities for the children .

Sharing their views on the development of the child reporters Santosh Mishra and Pramaod Pattnaik, senior journalists from Koraput advised that the children should look towards more positive aspects of life than looking at only the darker sides of the society. Social workers like Pravakar Adhikari , U.Daniel, Advocate Ajit Patro and District Coordinator of Ankur , Saushant Nayak also had joined the children .

The annual issue of Ankurodgam , the bulletin of child reporters was inaugurated on the occasion .

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Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput