To Work Faster and Better
How to do work faster and better?
An answer from the Mother :
"..... it is a very interesting subject and I wanted to speak to you about it in detail..... generally when men are in a hurry, they do not do completely what they have to do or they do badly what they do. Well, there is a third way, it is to intensify one's concentration. If you do that you can gain half the time, even from a very short time. Take a very ordinary example: to have your bath and to dress; the time needed varies with people, doesn't it? But let us say, half an hour is required for doing everything without losing time and without hurrying. Then if you are in a hurry, one of two things happen; you don't wash so well or you dress badly. But there is another way - to concentrate one's attention and one's energy, think only of what one is doing and not of anything else, not to make a movement too much, to make the exact movement in the most exact way, and ( it is an experience lived, I can speak of it with certitude) you can do in fifteen minutes what you were formerly doing in half an hour, and do it it well, at times even better, without forgetting anything, without leaving out anything, simply by the intensity of the concentration.... For all that you do - study, play, work - there is only one solution : to increase one's power of concentration...."
The Mother remarks elsewhere -
".....if you want to do something well, what ever it may be.... you must become what you are doing and not remain a small person looking at himself doing it... Take a very amusing instance: you want to fill a bottle from another bottle; you concentrate (you may try it as a discipline...); well, as long as you are the bottle to be filled, the bottle from which one pours, and the movement of pouring, as long as you are only this, all goes well. But if unfortunately you think at a given moment: "Ah! it is getting on well, I am managing well,' the next minute it spills over! .... That is why work is a good means of discipline, for if you want to do the work properly, you must become the work instead of being someone who works.... For if truly you want to do it (the work) well, this is the only way of doing it.."
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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Welcome to The Divine Land
Koraput is Divine's Favourite. Get a touch of it .
Blog Archive
- Thought For The Day-30th July-2008
- Thought For The Day-29th July-2008
- Sri Aurobindo Karmi Sammilani-Koraput.
- Thought For The Day-28th July-2008
- Info Koraput:28th July-2008
- Girl Died With Tumor
- Promoting Sports in Koraput district
- Joint Participation of Children and Teacher to cre...
- Physical Education Teachers' Workshop at Koraput.
- Plantation in Court at Koraput
- Info Koraput-27th July
- Thought For The Day-27th July-2008
- Child Participation experience at Koraput.
- BJD rally at Koraput
- Info:26th July-2008
- Thought For The Day-26th July-2008
- Video: "Child Participation" at Koraput
- Photos of Jaladhar Swain from Koraput
- Journalists take out rally at Malkangiri
- Thought For The Day-24th July-2008
- Video: "Paying Rich Tribute To Martyrs at Koraput"
- Tribute Paid To Martyrs at Koraput.
- NALCO at Damanjodi in Night
- Info:23rd July-2008
- Thought For The Day-23rd July-2008
- Plantation in Rayagada
- Injured of Group Clash
- Is AIDS an epidemic?
- Thought For The Day-21st july-2008
- Poetry Recitation Session-Koraput-20th July
- Discussion on A Man who writes postcard to Writers...
- Poem By Kailash Sadangi -20th July
- Poem By Kamalakrushna -20th July-2008
- Poem By Sanjay Mishra over Mobile Phone -20th July
- Poem By Pritidhara Samal -20th July-2008
- Poem By Rabi Satpathy -20th July
- Poem By Santakar -20th July
- Info Koraput:20th July-2008
- Thought For The Day-20th July-208
- Info:19th July-2008
- Thought ForThe Day-19th July-2008
- Patients Suffering from Diarrhea in Koraput District
- Child Reporters of Tanginiguda village in Boiparig...
- From Mags&Books on Stands of Koraput Today
- Thought For The Day-18th July-2008
- Info.Koraput:18th July-2008
- Child Reporters from Remote Corners of Koraput dis...
- Koraput welcomes You!
- Info Koraput:17th July-2008
- Audio: Child Reporter-Runjaguda Speaking
- Thought For The Day-17th July-2008
- Audio of Teachers' Press Meet on their demands
- Plantation in Cout Premises -Berhampur
- Info:Koraput:16th July -2008
- Thought For The Dat- 16th July-2008
- Video of : Voice of Child Reporters
- Video of Song of a Child Reporter of Koraput
- Video of Welcoming the Lord With a song
- Video of Mahalaxmi Asking the Lord
- Video of Lord Jagannath Briefing Mahalaxmi
- Video of Lord arrived at Main Temple Gate from Re...
- Child Reporters of Koraput-Particiapting
- Old Age Pension -A lot of Hope
- Info Koraput:15th July-2008
- Thought For The Day-15th July-2008
- Niladri Bije of three Lords.
- Koraputonline shares Speech By Prafulla Kar from R...
- Koraputonline shares Song -1 By Mahaprasad kar fro...
- Koraputonline shares Song-2 By Mahaprasad kar from...
- Thought For The Day-14th July-2008
- Info Koraput-14th July 2008
- Bhajan Sandhya-Koraput
- Suna Besha og Tini Thakura at Koraput
- Info Koraput:13th July-2008
- Thought For The Day-13th July-2008
- Bahuda Jatra-Koraput (First Part) -Video
- Bahuda Jatra-Koraput (Second Part)-Video
- Bahuda Jatra- Koraput (Third Part)-Video
- Bahuda Jatra of Koraput
- Info Koraput:12th July-2008(Gets Updated hour afte...
- Thought For The Day-12th July-2008
- Koraputonline shares video Child Reporter
- Manoj Pradhan Remembered
- World Population Day Observed.
- Voive of Borgi People
- Listen to Voice of Borgi villagers On Problems wi...
- Listen to Chandrasekhar Rath-1(First Part) from Re...
- Listen to Chandrasekhar Rath -Eminent Writer
- Info Koraput-11-07-08
- Thought For The Day-11-07-08
- Chandrasekhar Rath at Koraput.
- Thought For The Day-10th July-2008
- News Koraput:10th July-2008
- More Photos of Rathyatra Kashipur
- Vana Mohatsav In Rayagada
- Thought Fro The Day-7th July-2008
- Thought For The Day;6th July-2008
- KAFKA Evening at Koraput
- Children-Integral School -Koraput.
- Car Festival -Koraput-2008
About Me
- koraputonline
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput