Hello Koraput Online Team,It Gives immense pleasure to see news of Koraput over Net. I was unaware of these blog postings.The pictures of Utkal Divas today reminded my school days.Here I have a suggestion, Do not know if you have plans over it.How it would be if you upload the video to http://www.youtube.com/ or any other video share website and provide the link at blog or create a new blog for the same. This will help people like us to view the news.Hope you will think over it.Thanks & Regards,Vikram KumarIBM India Pvt Ltd,Hyderabad.Cell : 9704986663
Response from Koraputonline:
It's great to receive such letters from friends from accross the globe . We will certainly try to bring more of Koraput for our friends so that koraput is built with conscious people like You & You . Like Vikram , You too could post your feelings to : koraputonline@gmail.com
With regards
koraputonline team