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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bibhuti Patnaik at Damanjodi

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Bibhuti Patnaik
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The story of Sambaru , a displaced person from Hirakud hydro project had brought tears in the eyes of the listeners sitting in the auditorium of NALCO Club at Damanjodi today . Bibhuti Patnaik , the eminent novelist of the state from Bhubaneswar, while speaking on the importance of writing stories based on the real life situations highlighted the character of Sambaru that was depicted in the story ”Nache Benua Nache’ written by Bhubaneswar Behera , who had worked as an engineer in the project . The story had attracted the greatest readership as it was the art form of the contemporary reality basing on the real struggle of the people who were displaced from Hirakud region for establishing the project and was not a creation of the writer’s mind , Mr.Patnaik added.

Mr.Patnaik was the chief guest of the annual function of Barsha Sahitya Sansad of Damanjodi Mr.Patnaik and had offered a rich contribution to the discussion on “Oriya literature in twentieth century” . Emphasising on the importance of modern development on the journey of literary movement world over , he said that impact of literature on the society was greatly guided by development of technology .

While invention of tools like mechanical clock in 1345 had forced the thinkers to move out of the concept of timelessness in literature , the geographical map being invented in 1346 had brought a sea change in the ideas of unending boundaries . Moreover with glass emerging as the greatest gift of Venice to the world had opened the ways for self realisation for the human race and hence for the writers and poets world over , he said . However the greatest contribution to the development of literature was the invention of printing press by Hutenburg way back in the fifth century . Access to the greatest literary works and creation like Sarala Bhagavat could reach the nukes and corners of the Oriya household , he added.

Among others, writers like Narayan Panda , Harishankar Mishra , Rajkumar Sutar also spoke on different aspects of literature . Four writers from the region , Mrutyunjay Mishra , Prahlad Gahano , Muktikant Das and Bijay Kumar Jena were felicitated by the chief guest for their exemplary contribution to Oriya literature . A poetry recitation workshop was also organized to mark the occasion .
Please Clik on the link to listen to Mr.Patnaik:

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Koraput, Orissa, India
Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput