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Friday, January 22, 2010

Fwd: {KBK OTable} Article on Narayanpatna Published in Odisha Bhaskar - 5-1-2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pramod Pradhan <>
Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: {KBK OTable} Article on Narayanpatna Published in Odisha
Bhaskar - 5-1-2010

Dear Achyut bhai,

Happy New Year!

Thanks for your regular painstaking and thought provoking articles
published on various critical issues of Orissa. I do agree that people
need to be politically conscious and must be vigilant to ensure a
vibrant democracy. It is very unfortunate the once most peaceful
tribal belt of the country are now turned to be the most violent belt.
It may turn as  civil war zone if the current social inequality and
deprivation will persist where the tribal, dalit, women and children
are worst victim. The case of Narayanpatna speak volume about this.
From back of memory, I just want to share my experience of
Narayanpatna during 2000-01. During this period Planning commission of
India had given assignment to Agragamme, Kashipur to carryout a
evaluation of Long term Action Plan (LTAP) in KBK region. In the wake
of kasipur firing on mining issues and opposition of both rulling and
opposition party of orissa, this study was stopped in halfway. I was
part of the study team to carry out research in Narayanpatna. keeping
in view of the dismal socio-economic and political backwardness and
also poor human development index we had selected Borgi Gram Panchayat
of Narayanpatna block. When we meet the BDO to convey our purpose and
sample GP for the study. To my utter shock, the BDO politely told us
to chage this GP for study and the reason was: insecurity due to
naxalite problems, threatning of contractors and ofcourse
communication problem. Howver, we went to the GP as pilot visit and
found that no development work has been carried out in GP and
corruption in develpment schemes was very high. We meet several tribal
people whose land are either mortaged due to poverty or forcefully
captured by upper castes and moneylenders. The situatiion of food
insecurity and child malnutriton was very much visible. In nutshell,
there was complete absence of governance mechanism! I am not wondering
if tribal people are resorting to violence or supporting naxalite.
What they will do otherwise! I know violence is not the way to address
the issues and cancer of misgovernance. But I am amused.... when
goverment tells that they are willing for a dialogue and discussion on
any issue, if people  abjure violence. What a sheer false promise!
There are several peaceful movements, rally and demontration all over
the country by people without any violence  to ensure  their
democratic rights and dignity. Where is dialogue and discussion except
repression, torture and police atrocities. Why government is not
paying any attention and taking concrete step for a simple
dialogue...forget about the solution? Governance mechanism preach
something and  practice other things! The attitude of governement has
been very corrupt. Take a simple example...why should people get delay
and low wages under NREGA when they have given hard labour for
survival. Why should they suffer because of the unaccountability of
govt system and faulty mechaism? There are several issues the
government need to respond and act accordingly.

People resistence is brewing in all tribal pockets just because of
apathy of administration and lack of political will to solve the
critical livelihood issues and dignity. This can be address only
through a meaningful dialogue and proactive action of governance
mechanism. Ofocurse, CSOs can play crusial role to facilitate the
processes at various level. Hope the best for the new year.

In Solidarity

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 7:05 PM, ACHYUT DAS <> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> Pl. find my article on Narayanpatna Issue published in Odisha Bhaskar today (5-1-2010).
> You may please send your comments.
> With best wishes,
> Achyut Das
> --
> Achyut Das
> Director
> Agragamee
> Kashipur -765015
> Rayagada Orissa
> India
> Phone: 06865 285149/0674 2551123
> Fax: 0674 2551130
> e-mail:
> Blog:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "KBK O TABLE, citizen's collective for a better and different
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Pramod Kumar Pradhan
Development Support Team
Child Rights and You (CRY)
DDA Slum Wing, Barat Ghar
Bapu Park, Kotla Mubarakpur
New Delhi-110003
Tel: 24693137/ 3159/ 4790

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