KORAPUT:The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom –loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. This was evident from the great intensity of their involvement in the freedom movement even though their sporadic attempts against the British authorities by violent upsurge was crushed by the combined efforts of British and the local chief. Undeterred with the oppression the tribal people had built fresh challenges for the British authorities with continuous rebellion in the region against their interference into the socio-religious and economic life issues of the tribal communities , N.K.Rajguru , Lecturer in DAV College of Koraput and a historian of repute said .
Referring to R.C.S Bell’s Gazzetteer of Koraput district Mr.Rajguru further said that it was only in 1768 that the first entry of British into the hill country of Jeypore had occurred when Vikram Deo , king of Jeypore kingdom had refuted the claim of Viziaram Raju the then Raja of Vizianagaram over Jeypore territory . Vikram Deo had sent his agent Jagannath Patro to Vizianagaram to get support from the British authorities . But Madras government acknowledging the Jagir of Viziaram Raju over Jeypore kingdom had sent a body of troupes to Jeypore to suppress the rising opposition in the region making their first attempt to assert their authority . In 1773 Vikram Deo assembled a strong force in the Rayagada valley and made arrangements for a reinforcement of 2000 Maratha Horses . Even though British troupe under the leadership of Captain Richard Mathews took possession of Rayagada and then captured Jeypore Fort in 1775 , he had acknowledged in his letter to the government regarding the brave fight back from local tribal communities that he had to encounter while passing through the difficult passes of Narayanpatna .
However the real rising of tribal people against the British rule had begun in 1864 with an outbreak of Saora tribe inhabiting the mountain country between Gunupur and Badakimedi . It was occasioned by the improper arrest of the Headman of Puttasingi by an Inspector of Police . Although it had originated as a local affair , it took a serious turn as the entire Saora tribe rose in arms against the Government, he added. Five Saora leaders were hanged at the foot of the Ghats and nine were transported for life while stationing a strong police guard in the Saora hills . This was the first ever hanging by British in the region , he said .
But the tribal people rose back once again in 1942 when the National Movement of India had gained momentum under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi . The local Congress leaders came forward to bring the district into line with the current political movement of India . While the movement initiated by Chakara Bisoyee from Bhanjanagar had roused the Kondhs in Rayagada& Phulbani region from one side of the district , the Women movement led by Jambuvati Devi of Barpali and Harijan Movement by Bihari Ram of Jharsuguda had its impact on the tribal people of koraput district reaching through Kalahandi region from the other side , he said .
The August Revolution of 1942 took a very remarkable form in the district. The District Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of Civil Disobedience . The movement took the turn of mob fury against the British Raj . Police stations at Dasamantapur, Laxmipur and Mathili were attacked . A big crowd of about 2000 persons under the leadership of Lakshmana Naiko of Tentuligumma proceeded to Mathili where they had a public meeting at the weekly market place about half a mile from the police station . Lakshmana Naiko exhorted the people to establish people’s Raj and not to co-operate with the British Government . He was arrested and sentenced to death . At least six persons had died on the spot as the police went all out for a lathi charge on the crowd , he added . While this was happening near Malkangiri on the other side of the district at least 19 freedom fighters had died at Papadahandi near Nowrangpur .
The magnitude of the revolution could be ascertained from the gazetteer written by R.C.S. Bell , the first Collector of Koraput , 25 persons had died in firing , 2 persons including a boy of 4 years had died in lathi charge , 50 died inside the jail and 32 persons were to undergo transportation for life in the district during the revolution.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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- koraputonline
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to koraputonline@gmail.com With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput
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