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Friday, August 3, 2007

Freedom movement

Friends! Could we write some thing on the contribution of Koraput district in the Freedom movement !
With regards


  1. Shaheed Laxman Nayak

    Laxman Nayak, a folk-hero of Orissa and a cult-figure among its tribals, was born on 22nd November, 1899 in Tentuliguma village of Koraput district and his father padlam Nayal was a tribal chieftain and 'Mustadar' under 'Jeypore Samasthanam' in the then Madras Presidency.

    The local administration worked as an ant of the British Government. The tribals under this administration were treated like children of a lesser God and where subjected top inhuman torture and perform eve by pretty revenue officials, forest guides and police constables.lawman Kayak organised the trebles against exploitation by the officials of Jeypore Samasthanamand its British masters successfully. This broughthim recognition as a potential tribal leader and the National Congress admitted Laxman nayak into its fold. During the course of his training in Naupuri training centre for Congress workers, Laxman Nayak had the opportunity to meet and interact with several Zonal and State level leaders an and get a chance to broaden his horizons. This taining inculcated in him a spirit for Nationalism and indoctrinated him with the Gandhian principles of truth, nonviolence and peaceful non-cooperation with the British Government. He carried a Charkha, with the message of adult education and abstinence form alcohol to every tribal household of his area and brought about a total change in the rural scenario. He became the Chef de Mission in the Congress campaign ion the Malkangiri Sub-division during the first ever election 1936.

    Howerver, greater things were in store for him. Responding to the call of Mahatma Gandhi, laxman Nayak led a procession on 21st August 1942 an demonstrated peacefully in front of Mythili Police Station . But the police fired at the demonstrators indiscriminately.which claimed forty lives and more than two hundred were injured. But the administration further falsely implicated Lawman Kayak in a case of murder and the death sentence was pronounced on him on 13th November, 1942.He was hanged to death on 29th March 1943 in Berharmpur Jail.

    Nayak in Oriya means chief of atribe, a leader and a hero. Laxman Nayak was all these andmuch more.
    jag'jit prasad sahu

  2. A cash award of one thousand was declared by the government on
    Rabi Singh, Harischandra Gauntia, Siva Majhi,Balaram Sethia, Buti, Ghasiram Panka and Sanu Majhi. So the gandas, nayaks and chalans, who worked for the police came into
    action and set a programme how to capture those freedom fighters. Mention may be made on Matili Firing of 21st August 1942 in which
    Linga Bhumia and Nakula Madakami
    sacrificed their lives and a number of deaths occurred at Papadahandi also on 24th August
    1942 due to police firing. These two inglorious activities of the police had cast a deep influence on Rabi Singh. He was really
    shocked to listen the news and decided to emerge from his hidden place in order to console the Papadahandi people. As it was
    difficult to escape the notice of police, he preferred to go there in the guise of a woman.
    So, finally he and Pasur Nayak dressed as wife and husband started from Saraguda to visit
    Papadahandi. Crossing Baunsabedha,
    Dumarda, Karagaon, and spending the night in Siva Majhi's house at Jamguda, they proceeded
    towards Papadahandi. He returned back to Pilbasini village listening the news that in
    search of him police was encamped in Sunadhar Nayak's residence at Karaki. He was refused asylum by Bata Pujari of Pilbasini
    village, who was also a Congress worker. Then he proceeded to Panjiaguda where he organized a meeting in the house of chalan
    Panja Mudi. He was advised by Panjia Mudi not to proceed to Papadahandi. So he returned
    back from Panjiaguda and reached Saraguda escaping tactfully the vigilant eyes of the police.
    Here he got the information how police, with the help of Sukchand Panka and Jaga Pujari had tortured his family members and forcibly took away all sorts of agricultural and
    pastoral wealth from his house. After two or three days, i.e., on 12th September 1942 he
    returned back to his own village, where his father suggested him to migrate to some other
    place leaving the ancestral abode. Rabi Singh consoled his father and other members of the
    village not to take such steps.
    Rabi Singh decided to inform the Circle Inspector Benudhar Gadanayak, a man of rare
    liberal and considerate character about the heinous activities of Sub-Inspector Trilochan
    Misra. Benudhar Gadanayak advised him to submit a report under the signature of his grandfather, which should be attested by
    witnesses. The extreme poverty of his family compelled him to work as a labourer in Bombay-Nagpur railway line. Simultaneously,
    he worked for the Congress. Once again, he was caught by Sukchand Panka while driving his cart and was brought to Bhamini village
    where he was tortured severely. Next day he was brought to Umarkot for trial. A trial was made for him and Baga Pujari in which both of them admitted their involvement in Congress activities and organization of meetings in their
    houses. So he was imprisoned. But after two
    months he was released.
    It was on 15th August 1947, Rabi Singh hoisted the national flag of free India at Umarkot with an eloquent speech addressing a
    huge gathering that, "Brothers ! We got the freedom amidst extreme sufferings and sacrifices. Man like Baga Pujari and Laxman
    Naik are no more with us to enjoy this golden moment. Hatapahari, bethi and gadam are now abolished. We are for the nation and the
    nation is for us. Brothers ! We should take an oath that we must speak the truth, we should
    not be jealous of others; we should be brave and bold and live without fear; we must
    endeavour to maintain the prestige of our
    nation. We, all are the children of this nation. Bharat Mata ki Jay." History of India's freedom struggle owes a lot to Rabi Singh. He is the inspiring zeal
    and a rare example of how the strong determination and self-confidence imbued with
    unselfish attitude could overcome all sorts of adversities that come on his progressive as obstacles.

    saints' school,



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Koraput, Orissa, India
Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput