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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today in Koraput Khabar-31-05-08(Saturday)
1. BJD Meeting at Koraput.
2.SC Wing of Congress Met at Koraput.
3.Man Died On An Electric Pole
4.Religious Discourse by Radha Madhab Samiti at koraput
5. Road blockade in Borigumma aginst Cattle trafficking.
And Much More .
Hence if you are at koraput today please switch on your TV at 7.30 Pm and tomorrow by 1.30 Pm.
Moments From Rayagada
These are the photos from Rayagada sent to us by Srinivas Pattnaik. These are the photos of BJD party meeting with Ranendra Pratap Swain . There are also the photos of District Collector , Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma inaugurating the shoping complex at Rayagada Bus Stand .
UN Report on Impact of Social Inequality On Education
Social inequality has a major impact on the kind of schooling children receive and poses a significant challenge to provide all children with equal learning opportunities, according to a report released by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). “The data reveal how social inequality affects a child’s opportunity to learn. And clearly, no country – rich or poor – is immune to these disparities,” Hendrik van der Pol, director of UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics, said. The report, which is based on a survey of 7,600 schools in 11 countries in Latin America, Asia and North Africa, reveals a particularly glaring gap between the resources available to urban and rural schools. In India, the report found that 27% of village schools have electricity compared to 76% of schools in towns or cities. Only about half of the rural schools surveyed have enough toilets for girls and fewer than 4 per cent have a telephone. In Peru, fewer than half of village schools are equipped with electricity, a library or toilets for boys or girls. Yet, in urban areas, nearly all schools have electricity, 65 per cent have enough lavatories and 74%t have libraries. In general, village schools are in greater need of repair, according to the survey results. In Brazil, half the pupils in villages sit in run-down classrooms compared to fewer than 30 per cent of pupils in urban establishments. The survey also found wide variations in how much parents were expected to contribute financially. In Tunisia, the parents of one-third of pupils were asked to pay for textbooks. This was the case for 24% of pupils in Argentina and almost 10% in India. Sri Lanka was the only country to provide textbooks for free to virtually all students. “It is disturbing to think that students get more or less resources based on where they live. But that is just part of the story,” says Yanhong Zhang, one of the authors of the report. “The inequalities in school resources are linked to their socio-economic status. In effect, these children are subject to a double-jeopardy – with fewer resources at home and in school.” According to the study, teachers and principals in schools serving socially-disadvantaged children tend to report lower levels of pupil motivation and more behavioural problems. In these schools, teachers were generally dissatisfied with salary, parental support, class size and access to classroom materials. The UNESCO survey was carried out in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Uruguay. Source: UN News Centre , Published in Oneworld South Asia
Friday, May 30, 2008
Some topper in CBSE -Xth Exams.(Koraput&Rayagada)

(AN ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Institution)
Excellence in CBSE Class X and Class XII Results
and topper in Rayagada District
In Class X (AISSE’2008) 19 students have appeared and all of them passed in First Class (100% First Class). 10 students passed with distinction (5 students secured above 90%, 5 students secured above 80%) and the rest 9 students secured above 65% marks. Miss Shiree Sampanna, D/o Sri A.K.Sharda, Vice President (P & RM), JK Paper Mills, Jaykaypur secured the highest marks with 94.8% and she is the school topper. She also secured 100% marks in Mathematics and 97% in Hindi, which is a school record. School Managing Committee, Principal and teachers congratulated Miss Shiree Sampanna for her excellent performance.
There are four CBSE education based schools in Rayagada District. Namely Lakshmipat Singhania Public School, Jaykaypur; Chinmoya Vidyalaya, Theruvalli; Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Rayagada and St. Xavier English Mediume School, Rayagada. In among all the schools Miss Shiree Sampanna, student of Lakshmipat Singhania School ranked No.1. Which a proud to Rayagada District as well to JK Paper Mills.
In Class XII (AISSCE’2008), 27 students have appeared in which 4 students have secured distinction (above 80%), 18 students have passed in First Class. The pass percentage in Class XII is 92.6%. Master Sandeep Patnaik, S/o Dr. M.M.Patnaik, Ex-SDMO, Rayagada has secured the highest marks with 84% and he is the school topper.
The President of the school Sri S.K.Mishra, Chief Executive (Works), JK Paper Mills, Jaykaypur and the Management of the JK Paper Mills congratulated the students, Principal, teachers and parents of the wards for the excellent results of the school.
Report prepared by :Mallikarjun Pattnaik, Rayagada.
thematic training By DRDA
Thank You Indian Railways
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Odissi Sandhya at Jeypore
Jeypore Kalakendra on its closing of a month long workshop while
imparting training on classical dance and music organised a
cultural evening. The meeting was chaired by eminent persons who
spoke about the importance of preserving Odissi culture.
Response: Thanks to Mr.paresh Rath for sending the item . We wish to receive such inputs from you too . Please send your writings and photographs to :
Media Koraput:28th May
Monday, May 26, 2008
Living with Goodness
tribal holding a closed bag and saying that he has poached a bird
which will make an important medicine. It was tied in a bag.I
tried to see it through my lens from a small hole and clicked it.
Having a look at it , Lo! I had got a call to act as an owl was at me , crying for help to
get freedom and fly. I convinced the man saying that he can take
money from me to buy medicines and in exchange gift the bird.
Thanks mother.He agreed and I paid Rs50/-. I wanted to free the
bird. Brought the bird Home at Jeypore, served food(fish) and water. Then
asked old timers wat to do ? My mother advised me to keep it
carefully in a ventilated place for the day and free the bird at
dark night(Because owls cant see during the day and there are
enough chances that the poor bird will be killed in else way) in
the same place from where it was brought.
I followed. The happy bird was set free in nature . This activity
of mine is not uncommon but everytime I perform such activities , my joy keeps on
Paresh Rath
Response :
While Congratulating Mr.Paresh Rath for his noble work , koraputonline wishes to receive such experiences from you too that could inspire others to grow with happiness. Please send your writings to :
From Mags&Books
Friends , We read many magazines and books of our interest . There is a need to share the important lines and verses from those readings for our enrichment . In this section we would be posting the findings from our readings . However we would request you to send your readings too. Please start sending your writings to
Here is the first posting from us:
Magazine: Covert.
This is a new magazine that has reached the stands today . The magazine is edited by Seema Mustafa . The chairman & Director of the magazine is M.J.Akbar. The magazine is priced at Rs.20/- and is published fortnightly. While giving us its definition on A Point of View , the mag, says that Some Africans called MK .Gandhi , a racist . And hence You Can’t ua point of view. And which is why the mag would arm its reader with knowledge . Hence it says that Covert- Life Comes to News.
The first line that I read is from the pen of M.J.Akbar himself . This reads :
Old Rules get Old , because they have legs to walk through generations. Time , then , to recall one of the oldest: When you are dead , lie down.
Further while giving his view points on politicians from Rahul Gandhi to Mayavati , M.J. says : The candidates may be dead . The Ghosts dance on . We will have more from this mag. In our next posting.
Chakrapani Parichha-A Writer with Difference
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friends! Good Morning.
There are some news items for you today . Please clik on :
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Lathi Yatra of Kamaarguda
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- Competition (1)
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Welcome to The Divine Land
Blog Archive
- Today in Koraput Khabar-31-05-08(Saturday)
- Moments From Rayagada
- UN Report on Impact of Social Inequality On Education
- Some topper in CBSE -Xth Exams.(Koraput&Rayagada)
- Career Poll
- thematic training By DRDA
- Thank You Indian Railways
- Odissi Sandhya at Jeypore
- Poll On Education
- Media Koraput:28th May
- Living with Goodness
- From Mags&Books
- Chakrapani Parichha-A Writer with Difference
- Lathi Yatra of Kamaarguda
- Rally Against Women Trafficking
- Poetry in Candle Light
- Road Accident
- An Evening in Koraput Railway Station
- Media Koraput
- Orientation of Agriculture Workers
- Children with Chess at Home.
- Special Moments From Damanjodi (OUJ Meeting)
- Foundation Stone Laid for Integral School
- Annual Conference of OMSA
- Media Koraput:19th May
- OUJ Meeting at Damanjodi
- Climbing High To The Top
- Maa Mutyaluma's Festival
- Teachers' Demand For better Package
- Shadowed Development
- Need to protect Environment By Every Single Person
- Bali Yatra of Nowrangpur
- Mango Of Borigumma - So Sweet......
- Life Regenerated Under the Roof
- In The Dentist's Room
- Cool morning of the hot days
- home Away From Home For Children
- Poll For Today: 15th May
- Moments To Cheer About For Journalists
- A child near parents lap busy with the lap top.
- Meeting of Sunni Hanfi Muslakalla Hazrat Committee...
- Meeting With UNICEF at Koraput
- Child Reporters at Koraput
- Bonda couple in the photographers room
- Utkalika celebrates golden jubilee at Jeypore
- Environment Education In Schools
- Khandagiri For Everyone
- Bhubaneswar in Night & Day
- Cool it Yaar .......
- Power of Selection
- Welcome To Koraput
- It's Tamarind Time
- Ceremonies to Keep United
- Strike By Puja Committee
- Sabara Srikhetra Koraput.
- Invitation to view - SriJagannath Temple, Koraput
- Sri Aurobindo Integral School Students' Meet.
- Coffee Garden of Chotaguda
- Football Tournament In Sunabeda
- Eco Village To Be Opened
- Walk To School
- Growing Old With Experience
- Poll Of The Day-3rd May-Write Comment Too
- Poll For The Day -2nd May-2008
- International Labour Day Observed
- Media Koraput-1-05-08
- A Perfect World Indeed !
- Life is there in the Villasges of Koraput
- Bonda Man Shot With Arrow.
- Journalism at Grassroots
- Lines Together To be Apart never to Meet
- Welcome to Koraput
About Me
- koraputonline
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput