KORAPUT: Natural resources of Koraput region has been destroyed
indiscriminately without understanding its effect on the lives of its
inhabitants . Rabi Narayan Nanda , former minister of Science &
Technology and MLA of Jeypore addressed the participants of National
Seminar on "Biotechnology : Applications in Medicinal plants and Food
Processing" at Vikram Dev College in Jeypore today . Expressing his
concern over the reducing trend in the availability of medicinal
plants in the region , he said that research work should be initiated
to recognise and preserve these plants for the future . The younger
generation should be made aware of their importance , he said .
Referring to the Vision Statement of the state government he
appreciated the seminar for taking up the important thrust areas of
the state for discussion like conservation and characterization of
Medicinal&Aromatic plants and Technology for food and nutrition
security .The two days' seminar is attended by Prof. P.Elliah ,
Principal , Jeypore College of Pharmacy , Prof. G.Subbarangia of
Andhra University and delegates from various parts of the country .
A souvenir was released by the chief guest Sri Nanda .
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Engineer Dies in Accident
KORAPUT: S.Srinivas , a mechanical engineer in HAL at Sunabeda died
while working in the plant today .A steel chip fell on him and pierced
through the thigh , J.K.Mahapatra , G.M. of HAL said . Even though
the wound was not large, Srinivas died in the hospital of profuse
bleeding .Srinivas had joined his duty a few months back . His
family in Andhra Pradesh was informed on the accident , he said .
while working in the plant today .A steel chip fell on him and pierced
through the thigh , J.K.Mahapatra , G.M. of HAL said . Even though
the wound was not large, Srinivas died in the hospital of profuse
bleeding .Srinivas had joined his duty a few months back . His
family in Andhra Pradesh was informed on the accident , he said .
Telemedicine centre Needs a Telephone line
KORAPUT: An unending series of dialogues over the connection of a
telephone line to the District Headquarter Hospital at Koraput has
kept the Tele medicine unit fitted with satellite link in the hospital
idle for the last two months . If connected , patients in Koraput
could get assistance by being connected to the specialists of the
medical colleges at Cuttack and Berhampur , Dr.K.H.Reddy , CDMO of
Koraput said . But it remains non operational for the lack of a
telephone connection , he said . The DGM of BSNL at Koraput clarified
that unless the office of CDMO clears all the pending telephone
bills on the district office , the telephone connection could not be
given to the hospital . Looking at the problem of the patients for
the non availability of specialists in the region , Koraput Citizen
Forum has demanded immediate intervention of the district collector
to bring a quick solution to facilitate the benefit reaching the
patients .
telephone line to the District Headquarter Hospital at Koraput has
kept the Tele medicine unit fitted with satellite link in the hospital
idle for the last two months . If connected , patients in Koraput
could get assistance by being connected to the specialists of the
medical colleges at Cuttack and Berhampur , Dr.K.H.Reddy , CDMO of
Koraput said . But it remains non operational for the lack of a
telephone connection , he said . The DGM of BSNL at Koraput clarified
that unless the office of CDMO clears all the pending telephone
bills on the district office , the telephone connection could not be
given to the hospital . Looking at the problem of the patients for
the non availability of specialists in the region , Koraput Citizen
Forum has demanded immediate intervention of the district collector
to bring a quick solution to facilitate the benefit reaching the
patients .
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Education Watch Group
KORAPUT: District level Education Watch group’s Consultation meeting was organized by CYSD at Koraput today. Concerned citizens of the district had come together to discuss the macro level progress and policy changes in primary education in the district. The group , apart from keeping a watch over the primary education , would engage in research , analysis and advocacy activities , Prafulla Maharana , the convenor of District Resource Centre of Koraput said. Dr. P.C.Mahapatro, Director of COATS , Dr.Jagabandhu Samal ,Consultant IGNOU and Umakant Das , retired teacher took part in the discussions along with other child friendly participants from the district .
Calamity Meeting
All the health centers including the district head quarter hospital of Koraput district would remain open round the clock for the next three months to attend the sunstroke patients , Mrinalini Darshwal , District Collector of Koraput said . The District Disaster Preparedness Committee’s Preparatory meeting was convened at Koraput under the chairmanship of the district collector on Thursday to discuss the different possible steps to be taken in the district to prevent any hardship to the common man with the rising temperature during the next three months . In addition to the health centers , the mobile health units also have been put on alert to cater to the needs of rural areas . Ms.Darshwal instructed the officials to repair the defunct tube wells especially in the rural areas and provide water with tankers in other places . She also asked the school authorities in the district to open schools in early morning so as to close them by 10.30 am . All the district level officials attended the meeting .
Friday, March 16, 2007
Let Us Protect our Monuments
KORAPUT: Ramarajya is back at Nandapur block headquarter in Koraputdistrict .Atleast the state government's attitude towards protectingthe protected heritage site here speaks this . Nandapur has to itscredit "The Batrish Singhasan" , one of the greatest monument ofyesteryears where the king was believed to have given justice likeVikramaditya ,the legendary ruler of Indian history . The monument isa throne with 32 steps giving the name of it . History speaks of greatjudgments delivered by the king sitting on top of it . The StateArchaeology Department has declared the monument as a protected siteunder the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act to protect it from anyinjury and destruction . But surprisingly with out a boardmentioning this message nailed on a tree in the campus to protect themonument nothing else including any appointed person for thepurpose could be seen at the site . Tourists visit the place basedon the advertisement of this famous monument and get disappointed,Rabi Satpathy , a lecturer in the local college said .The monumentlosing its shine with the neglect does not have anything todescribe its history . Tourists' interest gets unfulfilled and manyof them search for persons in the village who could explain them , hesaid . State Archaeology Department operates from its office atBehampur and visit the places of importance sometimes in the year ,K.C.Nishanko , District Culture Officer of Koraput said.(EOM)
Sunday, March 11, 2007

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- koraputonline
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to koraputonline@gmail.com With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput